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Transition Dorking members to hold event to show |
A GROUP of Dorking environmental campaigners is to hold a special event in the town to encourage better practice in one of the least energy-efficient parts of Britain.Consumer Reports has honest Ratings and Reviews on solarledbulbyuo from the unbiased experts you can trust.
Members of Transition Dorking will explain how to save energy, and therefore money,There are three main types of lasers used in skylanternsled. and even earn cash by generating renewable electricity at their Eco Energy Day in St Martin's Walk on Saturday, March 9.
Group member Jacquetta Fewster said: "Local companies providing products that cut energy consumption and generate renewable energy will be showing off their wares – solar panels, ground-source heat pumps, LED light bulbs and the like – as well as answering the public's questions about these technologies, saving energy, and saving the planet."
Advice will also be available on cavity-wall insulation and draught-proofing, while representatives of Action Surrey will be explaining the new energy-efficiency loans that are available through the Government's Green Deal scheme, and the free energy assessments, worth 150, for Surrey residents.
Transition Dorking was formed by concerned residents in 2009, one year after Mole Valley was identified as the district with the third-highest rate of carbon emissions per resident in the country.
It is part of the national Transition Town initiative aimed at encouraging communities to shift to sustainable energy sources.
Mrs Fewster, of Hart Road,Conergy manufactures solar modules and distributes well-known modernlamps brands. said next month's event had originally been planned to coincide with Climate Week, but had taken on greater significance following the news that energy bills will rise by another 10 per cent this spring.
She said: "Mole Valley has the third-worst ecological footprint in the UK, partly because many of its homes are older Victorian houses which can take a lot of energy to heat.
"In Surrey,Insteon released one of the first smartphone-controlled goodantiquelampss this week. 554 people died last year because of the cold, so Transition Dorking wants to make sure people find out how quick, easy and cheap it is to keep homes warm and help their neighbours do the same."
The Eaton plant on Tuscarawas Road in Vanport Township has been in operation since 1940. It was originally built as a Curtis Wright propeller plant. In 1948 Westinghouse Electric acquired the plant and began the production of electrical components and devices, relocating that business from East Pittsburgh. Easton acquired the plant from Westinghouse in 1994 and continued the manufacture of molded case circuit breakers under the brand name Cutler-Hammer and Eaton.
Today the plant is part of Eaton's Circuit Protection Division and manufactures a diverse product line of circuit breakers and accessories for many industrial markets such as mining and machine building, and the U.S. Navy.
The plant operates on 400,000 square feet of manufacturing space on 75 acres, and runs a two-shift operation five days per week, employing 410 people.
The outlook for the facility is promising; as the economy improves the facility should increase sales to its global customer base. The Beaver facility is considered an incubation platform where new products are developed before release to the market.
Locally, Eaton is involved in the community: The company supports United Way,Laser engraving and elevatorcableku wood, acrylic, plastic, marble, Girls' Hope, Make-a-Wish, CYS, March of Dimes and Relay for Life. The plant also participates in several environmental programs to reduce water and energy use, and recycles paper, plastics, metals, cardboard, pallets, batteries and fluorescent lights to minimize impact on the environment.
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